Vite is a powerful build tool for web development, especially useful in game jams like JS13k. This post covers how to optimize Vite with conditional configurations and resolve aliases, using LittleJS. Learn to streamline your workflow and reduce build size with these essential tips.
A collection of 7 posts
A Beginner's Guide To Unit Testing Functions with Side Effects
When people get started with unit testing, they often get stumped when it comes to testing functions that have side effects. This post is a gentle introduction to some of the concepts involved in testing side effects.
Dependency Inversion in Angular
Angular has a powerful dependency injection system. Learn how to use it so that your code complies with the Dependency Inversion Principle.
Using Generator Functions as Iterators
If you're getting a little more advanced in your JavaScript, you may have started using the [Symbol.iterator] to make your objects iterable. Using a generator function allows for much more idiomatic looking code and saves you from having to return an object that conforms to the iterable protocol.
Make large numbers human-readable
Reading a number like 1000000000000 on a line of code may be a breeze for your computer but is next to impossible for a human to do without getting a headache or nose bleed. What can we do to make large numbers more readable to the human eye?